- FREE LOCAL DELIVERY to any 43130 address for orders over $44.99
- FREE SEMI-LOCAL DELIVERY available to all areas within 30 miles of Lancaster, OH. (Minimum order amount required and varies based on location)
- NATIONWIDE SHIPPING is now available (Some items and locations not available due to size, weight or local regulations)
- Please Note: Delivery Fees do apply to all orders containing BULK MULCHES, BULK SOILS & BULK COMPOST
Bulk Sweet Peat Compost (Full Scoop)
This product is 100% manure compost. Great to add to existing gardens or landscape beds to increase organic content. If you need topsoil & compost, we will be happy to blend those items both together and deliver to you in one load...just order the quantity of each item you need and let us know in the notes section that you would like them mixed together. (We can deliver up to 10 scoops of compost per load...if blending with topsoil then we can deliver up to 8 cubic yards of material per load due to the extra weight).
Mulch & Soil Calculator:
1. Calculate: Length (In Feet) x Width (In Feet) x Depth (In Inches divided by 12) *Note: You need to convert your depth to a unit of FEET not INCHES...that is why you take inches/12)
2. Then take the answer from the calculation above and divide by 27 to get the CUBIC YARDS you need.
Example: 32' long bed that is 11' wide and you need it to be 2" deep= 32feet x 11feet x 2/12 (.1666) *Remember, you take 2/12 to convert inches into feet to get .166666.
Then divide that answer of 58.664 by 27 = approximately 2.17 cubic yards of materials needed.
Most people underestimate their mulch and soil needed...if you determine you need 4.2 yards...order 5!
PLEASE NOTE: Orders including BULK MULCHES, TOPSOIL OR COMPOST can only be delivered one order at a time, in specialized trucks so we are physically limited to the amount of loads that can go out in a day. If you are choosing to have us deliver bulk mulch/soils or large amounts of bag mulch/soils, during the spring season, it may take us 3-5 days for your order to be delivered. In addition, deliveries of bulk mulch, bulk topsoil and bulk compost DO NOT qualify for free delivery.