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Fir Concolor (4-5' b/b) $239.99
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Fir Concolor (4-5' b/b) $239.99
Product Details
Plant Hardiness Zone: 3-7
Mature Height: 30-50'
Mature Width: 15-25'
Sun Exposure: Full to Partial
Current Plant Size: 4-5' balled and burlap
Growth Rate: Moderate
Installation Available within 30 miles of Lancaster, OH: Yes
Local Service Delivery within 30 miles of Lancaster, OH: Yes
In-store Pickup: Yes
Concolor firs are narrow, pyramidal evergreen trees with horizontal branches and drooping lower branches. They are fairly slow-growing, drought-resistant trees. They exhibit a blue-green color, with longer needles than most other evergreen trees. Matures to 30-50' tall and 15-25' wide. (Plants are balled and burlap and are approximately 4-5' tall now)
*To create the perfect growing environment: We recommend using Biotone Starter at time of planting. For great future growth, feed with Holly Tone fertilizer 2 times per year (spring/fall) and Soil Acidifier 1 time per year.
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"I have shopped at Lancaster Greenhouse since Rob and Jill Allen bought the business. They have wonderful help and beautiful flowers and gifts. I have them fill my planters every year and they always look great. I love their new delivery system. They bring things to me and it is so helpful. My favorite place to go in the Summer."
Linda Hyme