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Jacks Petunia Feed Fertilizer (1.5 lb) $15.99
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Jacks Petunia Feed Fertilizer (1.5 lb) $15.99
Product Details
Shipping: Yes
Local Service Delivery within 30 miles of Lancaster, OH: Yes
In-store Pickup: Yes
This is the same fertilizer that we use to feed all of the plants we grow in the greenhouse. Water soluble powder mixes easily and is perfect for annuals, perennials, herbs, hanging baskets, container gardens and so much more.
Display prices in:USD
"I have shopped at Lancaster Greenhouse since Rob and Jill Allen bought the business. They have wonderful help and beautiful flowers and gifts. I have them fill my planters every year and they always look great. I love their new delivery system. They bring things to me and it is so helpful. My favorite place to go in the Summer."
Linda Hyme